About Us

About The Affordable Housing Trust

The Affordable Housing Trust for Columbus and Franklin County (AHT), established in 2001, is an independent, nonprofit lender that works with the private, nonprofit and public sectors to develop affordable housing opportunities within the City of Columbus and surrounding counties. In February 2016, AHT became a certified Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI).


Facilitate and invest in developments designed to:

  • Create and preserve affordable homeownership and rental housing
  • Strengthen and stabilize neighborhoods
  • Support working households, seniors and special needs populations

Meet the Team


The Affordable Housing Trust facilitates housing development by investment through nonprofit and for-profit developers, thus leveraging its own funding dollars into projects. AHT's resources are directed to builders and developers, rather than individual households.

Individuals seeking affordable rental housing should access the Ohio Housing Locator.

Individuals seeking a Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher or Public Housing should contact the Columbus Metropolitan Housing Authority.


We recognize that achieving our mission requires intentional efforts to dismantle discrimination and promote justice in housing. We are committed to continuously learning and evolving our practices to better serve marginalized and underrepresented communities. Our dedication to diversity, equity, and inclusion is not just a statement but a call to action, reflected in our strategic goals, community partnerships, and daily operations.

Through our dedication to these values, the Affordable Housing Trust for Columbus and Franklin County strives to be a catalyst for positive change, creating pathways to housing stability and economic opportunity for all residents. Together, we can build a community where everyone has a place to call home.

Click here to read AHT's full DEI statement.

The Affordable Housing Trust | By the Numbers


Years serving Central Ohio


Successful projects


Loans Closed

Our Projects

In accordance with federal laws and

U.S. Department of the Treasury

policy, this organization is prohibited

from discriminating on the basis of

race, color, national origin, sex, age,

or disability.

To file a complaint of

discrimination, write to:

U.S. Department of the Treasury,

Director, Office of Civil Rights

and Equal Employement Opportunity

1500 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.,

Washington, DC 20220;

call (202) 622-1160;

or send an e-mail to:


De acuerdo a lo establecido por las leyes

federales y las políticas del Departamento

del Tesoro esta organización no puede

discriminar por causa de raza, color, origen

nacional, sexo, edad, o porque una

persona tiene impedimentos.

Para presentar una queja sobre

discriminación, escriba a:

U.S. Department of the Treasury,

Director, Office of Civil Rights

and Equal Em ployement Opportunity

1500 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.,

Washington, DC 20220;

llame al (202) 622-1160;

o envíe un correo electrónico a:



  • What is affordable housing?

    An individual or family paying no more than 30% of their household income on rent or mortgage.

    Learn More

  • Do you assist individuals in locating available housing?

    No. AHT is a lender, providing loans for rental developments and homeownership projects. We do not lend to individuals seeking to obtain housing. Please use the Ohio Housing Locator or contact the Columbus Metropolitan Housing Authority for assistance.

  • Where does AHT’s funding come from?

    Our funding comes from a portion of the City of Columbus’ bed tax and Franklin County’s transfer fee for the sale of properties. We also received CDFI Fund certification in 2015, which allowed us to apply for federal grants. Additional funding comes from financial institutions, corporations and other organizations. 

  • Who can apply for a loan through AHT?

    A developer who is building affordable housing is eligible to apply for a loan through AHT. AHT will consider projects that range from 2-4 units to 200-400 units and have affordability based on AMI levels.

  • How does the loan process work?

    Inquiring developers will receive an application, which details information on the developer, the project, rent ranges, how they’ll finance the project and more. From there, our Director of Lending underwrites the loan. We then take it to our board for approval or to the investment committee of our Housing Action Fund for approval. Finally, we provide a commitment letter and close on the loan. 

  • Who can I talk to with more questions or to express interest in developing affordable housing with AHT?

    Contact info@hztrust.org for general information or david@hztrust.org for a loan application or questions about our loan products.

AHT is committed to providing Limited English Proficient individuals with meaningful access to vital documents and information. To request information regarding AHT’s translation services, please contact Michelle Proulx at michelle@hztrust.org.

AHT se compromete a brindar a las personas con dominio limitado del inglés un acceso significativo a información y documentos vitales. Para solicitar información sobre los servicios de traducción de AHT, comuníquese con Michelle Proulx en michelle@hztrust.org.

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